Professional in-depth courses
The Short Professional In-Depth Courses from the MF Business School they are flexible and frequentable in mode Live Streaming for those who love interactions, sharing and group work, or On Demandfor those who want to increase their skills and knowledge in specific sectors, but have little time available.​
If you are passionate about or work in the field of administration, you can follow our short professional in-depth courses in payroll, compensation & benefits; negotiation and constructive criticism; conflict management. For the future HR or those who already work with the focus on enhancing human resources, we have created ad hoc active listening and feedback courses; empowerment, ethical and empathetic communication. For the manager or aspiring managers we offer professional in-depth courses in leadership, time management, communication techniques, diversity management, empowerment and team management, coaching and mentoring.
The next courses starting are: Self Coaching, Human Resources Empowerment, Active Listening and Empathic Feedback, Executive Assistant CEO or Management, Communication and Conflict Management, Body Reading in a Psychosomatic Key.